the simplest, fastest way for service pros & customers to connect and get things done.

Try GetCru and upgrade to any Corrigo Pro products free for 30 days. assetAppleBadge assetAndroidBadge

No more voicemail, no more phone tag – GetCru is a powerful app that instantly and easily connects customers and service pros right from the palm of their hand. Anywhere, anytime.

With GetCru, Customers can:

assetIcon-ConnectInstantlyCONNECT INSTANTLY

Simply tap the app, add a
photo with any notes, and send
an instant service request.

assetIcon-ConnectInstantlyCHECK THE STATUS

See what’s going on with the
request at any time, reducing frustration and phone tag.

assetIcon-ConnectInstantlyGAIN CONFIDENCE

Service pros are never more than a tap away.

With GetCru, Service Providers Can:

assetIcon-ConnectInstantlyKISS VOICEMAIL GOOD-BYE

Instant service requests can include photos, text and even timestamps- which means no more phone tag
or hassles.

assetIcon-ConnectInstantlyMANAGE CONVERSATIONS

Requests and exchanges go directly to the company, not an employee cell phone. Customers, partners and internal staff can easily be added/removed to these CruChats.

assetIcon-ConnectInstantlyBE IN THE KNOW

Provide real-time status updates on all service requests and follow the conversation between customers and techs. Know who’s talking as everyone has an individual icon.

assetIcon-ConnectInstantlyGET ORGANIZED

In the Connection Center, service providers can see all of their existing customers, add/delete customers and re-invite customers who have not yet connected.


All service requests (we call it a CruChat) are in one place and entire threads can be sent via CruLink technology to anyone who needs it.

assetIcon-ConnectInstantlyNEVER GET LOST

The job location map is sent straight to the technician’s phone.


It is easier than ever to promote the company or send new offers to thousands of customers.

Send us your information and a rep will contact you or call 800-517-2629

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.